Indy Runners Partnership

Introducing Structured Speed Sessions!

(From the
Through the years, people have asked us about organizing club speedwork sessions. Indy Runners has arranged for long-time local Coach Matt Ebersole of Personal Best Training to organize a weekly quality running session, and you are invited. The focus will be on challenging you, training smarter, getting faster, and having more fun. If any or all of these are appealing, then these sessions will be for you. 
Each workout is structured with a specific training purpose in mind and will be explained thoroughly and given at levels for the most competitive and accomplished runners to those just beginning to explore higher quality training. ALL SPEEDS ARE WELCOME. The workouts will include stamina building steady state runs, long intervals, and economy and speed building shorter anaerobic intervals, as well as mixes of these training types. We will meet where E. 67th St. meets the Monon Trail (near the Indianapolis Art Center), we have access to the trail, a track, a hill circuit, and a great road loop that are used for appropriate workouts. 
The first time out may be a little intimidating, but after doing this for more than 20 years, Matt knows that if you give it a few weeks you will enjoy it in a way only a runner could enjoy something so challenging. He has people who are very fast and others not so fast (yet!), but if you are concerned about not having a training partner at your speed, then bringing a friend is a great way to make sure. Plan to arrive early the first week to introduce yourself and ask questions.  
These training sessions will occur on Tuesdays beginning July 2nd. (You are under no obligation to be there every week, so if you can't be there the first week or two, don't worry about it!) We will meet at 5:40pm and start the warm-up by 5:45pm. This 9 week session will run on Tuesdays from July 2, 2013 through August 26, 2013. The cost will be $50 for the 9 week session. This offer is for Indy Runners members only. (Not a member? Join now!) However, the first 25 club members can sign up for the discounted price of only $30. That's only $3.33 per weekly session!
There is no charge for an initial “trial” visit.
For more information about Personal Best Training, see If you have any questions, you may contact Coach Ebersole
Click here to sign-upThe discount code ($20 off for the first 25 club members to sign-up) is indyspeed25.
Note: These speed sessions are in addition to the regular Tuesday evening 6:00pm club runs which will continue to meet at Hinkle Fieldhouse. We look forward to seeing you at either run.